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Commitment to Integrity and Good Governance

Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) adopts zero tolerance against fraud, bribery and corruption and is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest levels of ethics and integrity.

Our Anti-Corruption Programme

At MAG, we recognise the significance of maintaining integrity and ethical behaviour in all aspects of our business. We recognise that corruption can harm our growth and long-term sustainability, and we are committed to preventing it in all forms.

Our employees are held to the highest ethical standards and are required to follow all laws, regulations, and our Code of Business Conduct. We strive to foster a culture of transparency, good governance, and adherence to both the letter and spirit of the law.

We strictly prohibit all forms of corruption, including bribery and influence peddling. In any of our business dealings, we do not tolerate any offers, gifts, requests, acceptance or receipt of bribes or facilitation payments.

We are committed to ensuring secure and transparent governance processes throughout our operations in order to eradicate and prevent corruption in our interactions with customers and stakeholders. Our Board of Directors and Senior Management team set a good example by stating unequivocally that fighting corruption is a top priority for the organisation.

Our Anti-Corruption Programme

Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) is committed to preventing corruption through the implementation of the MAG Anti-Corruption Plan (MACP) across all sister companies and business partners. Establishing secure and transparent governance processes, prohibiting all corrupt activity, and promoting integrity as a core value in the organisation's culture are all elements of the MACP. Combating corruption is a top priority for the MAG Board of Directors and Senior Management team.

The MAG Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Manual and MACP are intended to prevent corruption, including bribery and influence trading. Every quarter, the Board of Governance & Ethics Committee reviews the plan's effectiveness to ensure compliance with all applicable laws and regulations in all countries where MAG operates.

Anti-Corruption and Third-Party Relations

At MAG, we believe that trust and transparency are the foundations of strong and long-lasting business relationships. We expect our business partners to uphold the same high standards and values that we do, and we expect them to follow our Supplier's Code of Conduct and fully support our Anti-Corruption Plan. We value partners who are ethical and who conduct their businesses fairly.

MAG Integrity Hotline

The MAG Whistleblowing Policy applies to all employees, including members of the Board of Directors, senior management, managers, executives, and non-executives. Agents, agency staff, consultants, vendors, independent contractors, and suppliers of goods and services, as well as anyone else associated with the company, are all covered by the policy. Individuals who report concerns to the MAG Integrity Hotline will not face retaliation or victimisation  as long as they do so in good faith, according to the Board of Directors and Senior Management team. Individual concerns and identities will be treated with strict confidentiality. Unless required by law, the individual's name or position will not be revealed without their permission. Any report or concern can be raised by the individual through the whistleblowing channels provided.


24-hour toll free number: 1-800-81-7270


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